Tag Archives: philosophy
Society |
Such only alternatives to it mendigorevelam the hypocrisy of a society, that if carrier of the civility says, damoral that must be spread by the world, of inside for are. Not necessrio to consult an foreigner, such fact is there … Continue reading
Oliveira Viana |
If Oliveira divergia Viana of who thus defended the State was because she conceives the state authoritarianism a provisory version, exactly that this provisory character a century has lasted more than, since the Independence of the country. It was not … Continue reading
Heraclitus |
In this direction Heraclitus it denies the substance existence, and conceives its evolution of the things under the blind direction of perhaps, without purpose nor intention. Parmnides and the philosophy of the being Parmnides de Elia, (530 – 444), similar … Continue reading
The End |
It does not think my respect badly. I clarify: the politicians do not deserve that let us use our intelligence against them. Let us not forget in them that to speak badly of them he is to speak of them! … Continue reading
Soviet Socialist Republics |
This because the people is ahead of the joy of the leader and its benevolence, being that the leader is ' ' defensor' ' of its people, and that he leads and said, what he is good bad for its … Continue reading
Governing Law |
Very similar to Step 3 Evolution of the Soul. "JUS BIG" – an awl in a sack can not hide, manifestation of the experience of past life. The whole experience of man in previous life, they will be manifested in … Continue reading
Twelfth House Natalnoy Cards
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Tagged magic, philosophy, psychology, spirituality
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The meaning of the twelfth house natal chart is the growing influence of karma on human life and activity. In the twelfth house summarizes the vital actions and acts human, and the development (or degradation) of the human soul subordination … Continue reading
Civic Education |
Later, the author indicates which is the absolute rights: ) Personality, while quality of person and first absolute right; b) Equality, as synthesis of all the qualities of the nature human being; c) Freedom, that consists of the intelligence and … Continue reading
Copernicana Revolution |
The Copernicana Revolution removed the Land of the center of the universe, and having freedom to exceed old mooring cables through the scientific knowledge, the man took this place for itself. This was the said Age of the Lights, of … Continue reading
University Publishing |
– We are adepts of the religion of ‘ ‘ Melhor’ saint; ‘ , we believe Brazil and its players, but we forget the Native land and its workers, then this is all guilt of the politician who fifteen days … Continue reading