Monthly Archives: June 2019
Europe Business |
Text on the card Do not try to translate a foreign language company slogan. Huge corporations spend on translation of a phrase a thousand times more than you, and still with the unenviable periodically fail. Tu advertising idea, which bears … Continue reading
Climate Quality |
The violence that takes place in the work places exceeds professional borders of countries, scopes of work and categories, although it is certain, that some professions, places of work and occupations, are more sensible, and seems demonstrated that exists a … Continue reading
Daytime |
Some authors propose to extend the concept of "harm". The term "harm" is offered understand not only the losses and moral damage, but in general the adverse effects. However, this can not be accepted. It is worth mentioning the so-called … Continue reading
European Parliament |
The researchers analyzed survey data on what major changes on the planet can cause global climate change, and identified five possible scenarios of what awaits humanity in 2030. Some assumptions of scientists are very interesting. For example, scientists believe that … Continue reading