Monthly Archives: January 2014
Wooden House |
In the big city life runs like a mountain river water – in the spring, and a running exhaust, a desire to rest and solitude in the country by the fuss in the house. What it will be a house, … Continue reading
Belly Quickly |
In order to thin the belly, a good diet diet is the one that allows us to burn the fat of effective form by means of a good plan of feeding and exercise the abdominal fat is one of the … Continue reading
Venezuelan Reserves |
Surprising similarities in this case of the transfer of the Venezuelan reserves that are interesting to study, by the intervention of the communist government of Stalin of the Soviet Union in Spain especially exist, as it is being intervention of … Continue reading
The Justice |
That indicates that Carpenter could not work the land, because they are busy. Nor can go, because in other villages happens the same as yours. But does in winter, what is done with the air conditioning units that give work … Continue reading
The People
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The street, which discussed therein, it differs from what is said in the forums. The street is the pulse of the people. Those people not going to the shops or bars. Nor to restaurants, subtracts travel and overrides whims because … Continue reading
Public Security |
To the one relating in them to the complexity, we are not wanting to say that one is about something that if cannot understand. Thinking complex includes impreciso and uncertainty, without being inexact or uncertain. Its objective is to serve … Continue reading
Federal Department |
President Rodrigues Alves, nominated Osvaldo Cross, as Managing of the Federal Department of health She publishes that she had as objective the eradication of the epidemic of yellow fever in Rio De Janeiro, for this an enormous contingent of people … Continue reading