National Council of Transition

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On the other hand, the National Council of Transition, the control system formed by the rebels in Libya, has requested east Monday to his combatants and the Libya population who show compassion towards the members of the forces of the Libyan leader which they have been captured. NATO will follow until Gadafi surrenders NATO On the other hand, has assured that it will maintain his mission in Libya until all the loyal forces to the regime of Gadafi have surrendered. " We will follow with the flight patrols until all the forces pro-Gadafi rindan" , it affirmed a source of the Atlantic Alliance, that said they will continue with " the flights of vigilancia". Sources of the rebels have affirmed to The YAzira that NATO is gliding to bomb the walls of the set palaciego where it could be Gadafi to be able to enter. The rebels are asking to all the residents of the zone that stay remote. Ever since &quot initiated the operation; Unificado&quot protector; the 31 of March, NATO is ctuado 19,877 flights on Libya, those that include 7,505 attacks against military objectives keys of the regime of Tripoli. In agreement with the last official notice of the operations of NATO in Libya, Sunday attacked and destroyed in the vicinity of Tripoli three control centers and control, surface-to-air a military installation, two radars, nine an armored shuttles of missiles, tank and two vehicles.

The first rebellious groups managed to arrive at night at the periphery of the Libya capital of Saturday and quickly they located its positions in the main districts of the city, without hardly finding resistance between the gadafistas forces. To this first advance party the antigadafistas combatants of the Western Front were united later and the commandos located in the south and Misrata, that managed to enter by sea the Libya capital. According to the own insurgents informed, in 24 hours the rebels had hardly taken the control on almost all the bastion from Gadafi, including the emblematic Green Place, in the heart of the city, who renombraron like ' place of mrtires' and in that they were concentrated to celebrate the victory of the rebellion.

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