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The municipal public administrations aorealizar the programmed actions must always evidence the transparency, as umprincpio norteador of the will politics, before the collective, what contribuina opening of space for the public debate that if carries through in the seio of todasociedade. In what it weighs the implantation difficulty deum sector of internal auditorship, is that it must collaborate in the construction of novospadres of performance of the municipal public administration. The sector of internal auditorship search verificarcomo is functioning the system of internal control of the administration published cities and if in fact the system is executing adequately asseguintes tasks: To identify if the actions of the organization or the traced politics and the plans had been noexecutados in accordance with established; To identify if the actions of the organization or asinstrues of the managers had not been executed as; Beyond informing if the actions of the organization they had been ouno executed inside of the principles that conduct the organization; fornecerinformaes to evaluate the results gotten for the entity. The auditorship consists of the stage of processopelo which is made the verifications to certify itself of that all the aesdesenvolvidas ones had occurred in compliance with: The politics, plans, procedures, laws and regulations; Trustworthiness and integrity of the information; The fulfilment of the objectives and goals established for operation of the programs; economy and efficient use of resources. The auditorship also acts guiding eacompanhando the execution and procedures that objectify to correct errors eincorrees in the system of internal control and the organization, through esforodespendido for the sector, establishing a base for a continuous and ascendentetrabalho of advising to the manager municipal theatre; Also giving to services atodas the areas of the municipal public administration, in the effective performance desuas activities, providing analysis, evaluation, recommendations, advising and managemental reports related with information necessriasa to support the decision process; Beyond promoting an effective control public daadministrao, to a reasonable cost, that consists of examining and evaluates adequacy and efficiency of the other controls; to interact with the external system decontrole.

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