Curricular Lines

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It is in the resume that if systemize our pedagogical efforts. In other words, we can say that the resume represents the identity of the school, the heart, the center where we act and, in the paper of educators we are responsible for its elaboration and its consistency, have the obligation in participating critically and creative in the elaboration of more attractive, democratic and fruitful resumes. After all, the necessary school to work what it is in fact excellent for the individual, therefore this is sustentculo of the society, it is social, biological, economic, cultural and politician. Thus thinking, we can understand that, to keep the society in deep harmony, she is necessary to provide with this, critical individuals reflexives, owners of its proper history or same continuation of the proper man in the social environment. We must think that the school is responsible for the continuation of the man. After all, what it would be of it without an education of quality? What it would be of the society? Of the world? But, the school is not excellent without a good resume, it would only reproduce, but nothing. Therefore, our paper while educators are to appeal to the reflections and quarrels from official documents, as the Law of the Lines of direction and Bases, the Curricular Lines of direction, the State and Municipal Curricular Proposals. In them we will find basic subsidies for our work. When we search to take care of to the requirements of the law, propitiate an education more joust and of quality, only thus, the positive and necessary change for a better world will happen.

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