Basque Parliament

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The groups must of term until 14 Thursday to h to present/display amendments to the proposal of reform already considered in the Congress. The GNP has announced that presents/displays two: one of them, according to Josu Erkoreka, gathers " esencial" of the declaration approved in 1990 in the Basque Parliament. If their amendments are rejected, GNP will be against the constitutional reform. GNP will take advantage of the abierto process it constitutional reform to try to introduce, by means of an amendment, " recognition of the right of the Basque town to autodeterminacin" , according to the parliamentary spokesman of this group has announced east Wednesday in Bilbao, Josu Erkoreka. The amendment, has indicated, gathers " esencial" of the declaration approved in 1990 in the Basque Parliament (with the endorsement of GNP, EA and EE) on the self-determination right and it gives answer to one " vindication secular" of the Basque nationalism.

In its amendment, GNP maintains that the constitutional frame " it cannot nor it must be conceived like legal surrounding that limits the democratic expression and annuls the will freely expressed of ciudadana". Also it reiterates that in the constitutional rrndum of 1978 &quot participated; less than half of censo" and the Magna Carta was ratified " by less than 35% of the same ". Besides Bildu Erkoreka, to questions of the journalists, it has rejected who this initiative supposes an attempt to mark " profile soberanista" before the institutional irruption of Bildu. " It is a secular vindication of the Basque nationalism that considers when constitucional&quot is abre to the melon of the reform;. GNP will present/display one second amendment in this debate, so that in the text of the reform, &quot is corrected; olvido" and one specifically mentions the leasehold territories.

The nationalists fear, according to has exposed Erkoreka, that " error" from not mentioning the leasehold territories he can have in consequences &quot the future; irreparables" in its capacity " financier and fiscal" and it is possible to be tried to them to compare, " to baja" , with the local organizations. The nationalistic spokesman in the Congress has indicated that at the moment they have not maintained contact with the rest of the parties stops to know its position with respect to these two initiatives. It has advanced that, if both are rejected, GNP will be against the constitutional reform, but that if some is considered from them the nationalistic group " it will have reflexionar" on its definitive position. On the possibility of putting under the reform rrndum, Erkoreka has said that if this proposal does not leave &quot ahead; it will not be by the parliamentarians of the PNV". Source of the news: GNP presents/displays an amendment to the constitutional reform on the self-determination right

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