The Country Of Impunity

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The Country of Impunity The year of 2009 was marked by incredible images on the reinante corruption in our country. Unhappyly, the images presented for the media were of politicians of the high step of the administrative cupola of Brazil. The escancarado robbery to the people, of simultaneous form, in almost all the television channels of the country, at least, deserve an explanation concerning as the culprits could be punished. Impunity already is known by almost all the Brazilians, however, it has many, the people already knows as to revert everything this. Brazilian solidarity takes account of the life of the common citizen, but it does not have as to support the situation current. In 2010 it will have elections, a great chance of the people to banish them we pssimos politicians who teimam in remaining in the power. The episode of the money in the stocking of politicians of the Federal District portraied as it continues being the administration politics in our country.

Money has a good time behind saw on people to the politicians placing in the underwear, now in the stocking, where they will go to place more? We know that it has many other episodes that never are counted for the Brazilian media, therefore is necessary that the population understands that the situation continues of this form for the national ignorance. The robberies, the tricks and all more than the politicians of Brazil practise in its daily one of freedom for parliamentary impunity, can be brightened up by sensible attitudes of the common citizen. The vote is a weapon that we have to banish the politicians who do not have the minimum commitment with the country. It is of if understanding that the people necessary to learn to vote; the campaign promises never must be taken the serious one, because the good politician is true, are not sonhador. Impossible promises are easy to perceive, then we do not have deceiving in them. The vote is private, then you only can know in who to vote. Another alert important one to be preponderant, here, is that we, common citizens, must denounce the impostures witnessed in our daily one; when somebody to in general offer to advantages in things or common facts to any citizen, is reason of alert, and the denunciation is optimum way.

We need to create courage, therefore acting with lucidity we will only go to prove to the people descompromissadas with the life of who is of the good, that the evil does not prosper. Good practical of valuation to the citizenship they can be executed in simple way and to salutar, is necessary, only, a little of attitude. The Brazilian people is considered as solidary person, but this can leave of being a label. Good and great attitudes can be taken urgently, are only enough to act. To make a mistake can fatal in be determined situations, but it is well better to make a mistake for acting of what to be omissive and to contribute with the errors that finish in corrupes and acts of impunity and that they also finish, for in general creating a great insatisfao in the population. The correct one is not to ahead cross the arms of errors and actions that add only malaise in the Brazilian family. She is necessary to believe the modern man; of attitude perseverante.

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