Much is known of the scandalous and shameful statistic of impunity: 98.76%, according to the Research Center for development, A.C. (CIDAC). Of one hundred offences reported, just in a little more than one justice is done! This is a dishonor out of all proportion. Not for nothing Society Justice cries out and begins to search for alternatives to the current state of justice. On the death penalty, I think that it is better to do something than doing nothing. And the civil part of the population is already starting to become involved; at least to express their point of view, inclined to the punishment of the wicked.
If death assisted by a servant of the law is approved, do many politicians, deputies and senators, suffer the reproach of his friends? Because the comments made on these days by some congressmen cause the poorly designed like me. When here matter them morality, humanity and the order? Why the desire to confuse the law of retaliation with a prerogative of the State as it is the legitimate monopoly of the use of force? The reader who is not political or religious hierarch can skip, if desired, the following paragraph. Sorry and thank you. There will an explanation of the law of the eye by eye and tooth for a tooth for idiots: the eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, ear by ear, etc., he enunciated as a decree to be applied by a judge. Instructions for the impartidores of Justice, they were not for the public in general. And it was not aborted.
It reflects balance. Let us consider the ineffable mochaorejas for contrast. How many victims murdered? do a few more he mutilated them ears and other parts of the body? They were many. We can agree that more than one too many. What punishment have you received? Food, clothing and protection 24 hours, all free for him. Their kidnapping survivors and the relatives of them can feel satisfied justice with all this? They are just opinions. We are already in the debate. No one personally has right or faculty to deprive a person of life. There must be a fair trial of means. And you must abide by the judge’s order. Christ put everything in its place. Love your neighbor as yourself is for individuals. Laws and decrees are for judges. In countries where the penalty of death is legal, the doomed to death by kidnapper and murderer himself is killed. The only guilty of his death is his own I. I understand the concern of some about the possible application in Mexico of this terminal punishment. How make sure that no innocent person is ever convicted? And what so effective can be in a permanent state of injustice where 99% of crimes are not punished at all? The solution is to attack the cause. And he is well known. Nowadays rampant kidnappings, murders and other crimes because the malosos know, sense, feel, they trust that nobody will catch them and much less to punish them. If they catch them, someone will go for them to remove them with submachine gun and Bazooka in hand and the police force will do nothing. Crimes must be punished. Why not are they punished? The solution can be found in the answer to this question.