Historical. Speaking of linguistic theory is to refer directly to Noam Chomsky who through his book syntactic structures (1957) introduced the theory of transformational generative grammar as opposed to the current prevailing behaviorist learning time. The language could not be explained in a simplistic way to recognize its complexity. Everything indicates that the speakers managed a remarkable theoretical formulation and that children are born (nature) with a genetic predisposition to structure the language through the handling of data and assumptions. Chomsky's theory revolutionized the study of language behavior at that time and began to study not only the transformation rules, but the biological basis of language. Most areas of knowledge wanted to use Chomsky's postulates and apply them to their own disciplines.
The '60s were the glory years of transformational generative grammar. However, Chomsky postulates did not produce the desired results in other disciplines and in the 70 falls into disrepute. Takes up the ideas of Piaget that language acquisition was the result of the interaction between general cognitive abilities and external environmental stimuli. The rejection of nativism expressed by Chomsky, was because of the time psycholinguists concluded that language processing is not based on formal grammar but no grammatical factors. However, slowly has been reaffirming the theory of transformational generative grammar form the basis of a realistic model of human language. Over the years much evidence has accumulated about the idea of an autonomous linguistic competence, ie apart from other human abilities or powers of a comprehensive and participatory language processing with general or external factors. Some arguments for an independent and participatory grammatical competence in language processing.
1. Relationship between form grammatical and communicative function: an important aspect of grammatical competence, it is impossible to predict the shape of a linguistic structure from its communicative function, ie, a communicative function can be represented by a variety of grammatical forms. This suggests that language is governed by principles that are not derived from external aspects of language. 2. Dissociation of language skills of other cognitive abilities: There are cases of children with appropriate syntactic skills but a poor use of those skills in the communicative act. 3. The study of speech errors in children: Errors committed by children during language acquisition is far from being random, there are clear and well defined stages in all languages and even expressive manifest errors in drafting rules. 4. Competence and processing grammatical sentence: It has been shown that poorly constructed sentences take longer to process than those well-formed, which reaffirms the use of grammatical competence in language processing. Are you interested in this item? Download here: Visit: