Juan Bautista

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This is goodbye with a kiss on the forehead of his mother and one in each cheek of his father. Soon his steps took him to the path where the road passed that would take him to the shore. He found others who shared the same purpose and joined them. He was not alone in that procession but was traveling alone. Keep pace with the elders and was devoted to eavesdrop on passengers .- & nbs p; Juan Bautista can not be said a tall man and the poet fornido.A beheaded.

There can be a preacher without a head because the crowds horrify and then nobody would listen to his message .-; With head or without head God uses whom he wants … It could be John or Elijah or Moses … – & nbs p; Or it could be … No, it's crazy! For a moment I thought it might be the same. God with man's body occurrence .- Go! Well … I do not know who it is, but say that one thing is certain: this man will make today a greater miracle than all the previous … – & nbsp; could be John. Remember that he was backed by God and heavenly Father certainly could use its power to raise from the dead and show this generation of vipers that his messenger with support .- & nbs p; I agree with you mate. If John dared to preach in that tone of frankness and sincerity was because I felt the support of the most powerful of the celestial forces.

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