Grouping Map

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Anyone has had the perception of better understanding of an issue with the help of a chart. In it the main elements are visible, as if they were discrete objects, and relations between them "see", can be seen with the naked eye. It is thus quite old method of attempting to move a mass of complex information to a map, or graphical model, (to repeat its essential elements and structure) in order to better understand it. Fortunately, the development of information we words, numbers, prayers. Although these systems have had their undeniable usefulness, it is known today, thanks to recent research, they all use only a portion of the cerebral cortex, preventing the brain develop partnerships to stimulate creativity and enhance memory. Anyone has had the perception of better understanding of an issue with the help of a chart.

In it the main elements are visible, as if they were discrete objects, and relations between them "see", can be seen with the naked eye. Mind maps, developed by Tony Buzan are an effective method for taking notes and very useful for generating ideas by association. To make a mind map, one starts at the center of a page with the main idea, and works outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of key words and pictures. The key concepts are: Organization Keywords association Grouping Memory Visual: Type keywords, use colors, symbols, icons, 3D effects, arrows, groups of words highlighted. Focus: A Mind Map needs a single center. Participation conscious Mind Maps are resembling in structure to the memory itself. Once a Mind Map is drawn, rarely needs to be redesigned. Mind maps help organize information.

Due to the large number of partnerships involved, mind maps can be very creative, tending to generate new ideas and partnerships that had not been thought of before. Each item on a map is, in effect, a center of another map. Scope The mental map takes into account the way the brain gathers, processes and stores information. Its structure shows a visual image that facilitates extracting information, write it down and memorize the details easily. Get used to using patterns (words connected with arrows). Getting used to imagine situations where they apply the concepts learned. The deliberate effort in this direction will be rewarded for memories more reliable (those who help at the time of an examination, or a question committed). The creative potential of a mind map is useful in a brainstorming session. You just have to start with the basic problem in the center, and generate associations and ideas from it to get a large number of possible solutions. By presenting their thoughts and perceptions in a spatial format and by adding colors and images, earns you a better view and can see new connections. Mind Maps are a way of representing the ideas related to symbols rather than with complicated words as in organic chemistry. The mind forms associations almost instantaneously, and represented by a "map" allows you to write your ideas quicker than using words or phrases. In everyday life could apply to: In planning the agenda personal, professional, classes, lectures, workshops, distribution of activities in research, note taking, summarizing information, preparing material, solve problems. Planning. Study. Work. Presentations. Brainstorming. Distribution of tasks. Conferences

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