For Freud

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Inside of this characterization, all human being could load indelveis marks of the history of the humanity what, associated to the clinical comments of Jung, it originated the unconscious conception of the collective one of Jung. Arqutipos Are inherited possibilities to represent similar images or instinctive forms to imagine. The human beings repeated times through the millenia would be originated from the impressions superece of fishes left for certain common experiences to all (emotions excited for phenomena of the nature, the experiences between mother and son, meeting man x woman, etc). The inherited pulses could still be originated in the same way that make the human being to react in always identical way to the determined situations (instinct). The notion of arqutipo allows to understand why in distant places, culturally different, they appear identical subjects in stories of fairies, the dogmas, the religious rites, the arts, the philosophy, and the productions of the unconscious one of general form as in the dreams of the normal people or in the delirium of the insane people. Symbol Is the arquetpica image added to the other elements.

It does not bring explanations for itself, as the signals or alegorias, but it stimulates in the direction of a still distant direction that no word of said language to state in satisfactory way. The image of the cave of Plato can be, of this form, considered a symbol. A symbol has life and reaches dimensions that the rational knowledge cannot reach. They transmit intuitions stimulants and, later that its mysterious content is apprehended by the logical thought, are emptied and died. Freud considered the symbols as resulted of the conflict between the censorship and the restrained pulses. Jung discarded the conflicts and saw in the symbols a mediating action, an attempt of meeting between the opposites moved by the unconscious trend to the totalling.

For Freud the psychic life if constitutes as one old city that, even so the recent constructions appear at sight, the old ones remotely continue hidden under them, but permanently equal gifts and. The conception of Jung is diverse. It sees the unconscious one in one constant work to dig contents, to group them and to regroup them. These contents of the unconscious one, according to it, are not remained forever equal, suffering changes and producing changes, influencing the ego and being able to be influenced by it. When if they open wide cracks between the conscientious one and the unconscious one, appears the neurosis. However, to establish the dialogue between the conscientious one and unconscious it is useful for the psychic health.

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