State-Member had participated actively in this cupola, thanks to the efforts engaged for the King Hassan II at the time. Translating clearly the benefit of Moambique, Angola, Guin-Bissau, Zimbbue and the African National Congress (ANC) of the South Africa for the bonanza support. – Through conferences, in Port Louis (2-5 July 1976) and in Libreville (2-5 July 1977) and Cartum (18-22 July 1978) and Monrvia (17 the 20 of July of 1979) and Lakes (28 the 29 of April of 1980), it rejected State-Member of the African Organization of Unit, the recognition of the Popular Front for the Release of the Sakia El Hamra and Wadi gold ' ' Polisario' ' release movement. – Freetown, in the Cimeira (1-4 July 1980), rejected the State-members of the OIC to accept the participation of the Arabs saraus Democratic Republic, and this is in accordance with the international law ea Letter of the Organization and the Letter of the ONU, that recognizes only the sovereign States. – As African organization of Unit also a strong position to protect the territorial integrity of State-Member, and was revealed in particular in the cimeira 11 Kinshasa September of 1967, when it opposed the secession of the Congo – Kinshasa (today Democratic Republic of the Congo) and Nigria, and condemned the separatistas movements. 2 – Why Democratic Republic Arab Sarau is not and it will not be a state? – Democratic Republic Arab Sarau is not available on the symbols of the State that must be taken care of together under the rules of the international law ea Letter of United Nations and of the African Organization of Unit, that is: population, land and power of an efficient government are exerted the national and international level. – Democratic Republic Arab Sarau does not have any authority, exactly in theory, the population of the territory of the Sahara Occidental person, because the Kingdom of Morocco is the administrative authority in the region since 1975. .