The Notary will point out these manifestations in the Act of Granting that will extend, next to a mention to the mark and number of seals of the cover and another one to the capacity of the testador to grant the testament. The closed testament will be given to the testador, that will be able to keep it he himself, to entrust its safekeeping to a third party or to deposit it before the Notary who granted the Act of Granting, that will point out therefore it in the same. Once outlined the open testament and the closed one, we are going to concentrate in the testament olgrafo. One is a type of testament that does not require of solemnity some, although their requirements are indispensable and the absence of anyone of turns it to them into a null testament. Educate yourself with thoughts from Amazon. On the other hand it is a testament that usually gives foot to many problems, since when not needing notarial advising or any other class any of the requirements established in the Civil Code can be avoided, not only to its form, but also to its content, with the consequent invalidity with which we finished referring, in addition to be a type of testament that, being little expensive in its origin, generates great expenses for the heirs. On the other hand, when not becoming mention to the capacity of the testador, the situation can occur of which the heirs oppose the same when questioning their capacity in order to grant the testament, which can generate new costs. But adentrmonos in the details and requirements that are demanded to be able to grant a testament olgrafo. First of all, to be able to grant a testament of this nature he is indispensable to be of legal age and the testador cannot use of third parties or other average mechanics for its writing, when demanding the Law that the testament has been written by the own testador and of its fist and letter, besides to be signed with expression of the year, month and day in which it has been granted.