Valencian Regional Government

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21 18 Papers divided into 5 blocks with other so many tables of moderators will be presented. For the closure of the Congress in the afternoon, will be the presence of D. Joaquim Nadal i Farreras, Minister of Territorial policy and public works of the Generalitat de Cataluna.entre speakers are representatives of the most important companies of the sector, as well as ANI and their groupings: the National Association of manufacturers of bituminous sheets (ANFALABIT), the National Association of waterproofing liquid and continuous (ANILCO) and the National Association of manufacturers of synthetic sheets (ANFALAS)as well as ANI installers. Also participating departments of the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Complutense University of Madrid and entities such as: AENOR, the Valencian Regional Government (Department of environment, water, Urbanism and housing) and the Spanish Committee of large dams (SPANCOLD). As collaborators of ANI in the Organization of the Congress has presence and prominent Central Laboratory of structures and materials (CEDEX) as well as the Ministry of the environment, and rural and Marino.Teniendo into account the crisisEl 3rd Congress is held in a context of crisis that affects largely to construction.

According to Isidro Sans when the Barcelona Conference was announced at the II Congress of Palma in 2008, we could not know the gravity of the crisis that was already in the making. Either way, the Committee decided to go ahead, with the conviction that this meeting is necessary for the sector. Among the aspects that have been adapted to the current situation is duration, which instead of three days is limited to two; do, proportionally more cheap prices in 2008? the content and technical Congress, we can say that it has even raised their level of quality.

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