The order of acquisition of these lands to the ownership of individual entrepreneurs defined in Section 2, Article. 3 of the Federal Law "On Enactment of the Land Code of the Russian Federation." With regard to land granted by the right of lifetime inheritable possession and use private entrepreneurs for commercial purposes, the acquisition of the property should have been carried out in accordance with the rules provided by Paragraph 3, Article. 1928 Land Code with regard to the specifics outlined in special federal laws. But with the introduction of the Law on "dacha amnesty" presumption of ownership of land allocation and cancellation of Paragraph 3, Article. 1928 Land Code has arisen the question remains "Dangling in the air." However, judicial practice there are cases where the courts come to the conclusion that the rules of art. 23 of the Civil Code can not apply to individual entrepreneurs, using providing them on the right of lifetime inheritable possession of the land, because the possibility of providing land for legal entities on the right of lifetime inheritable possession law does not provide 2. The only thing you can categorically say this is contained in paragraph 7 of Art. 10 of the Federal Law on Turnover of Agricultural Land "condition on the price purchased by citizens, engaged in activities maintenance of a peasant (farmer's) economy, agricultural land within their lifetime inheritable possession or permanent (unlimited) use, which should not exceed 20% of their land value. However, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art.