Those exercising power, demonstrate every day their absolute contempt for any other form of thinking be it yours. As in so many other things, we are at the tail of the Western States in school performance, because of educational plans failed for many years in other countries. Plans that by eliminating vital materials in the total formation of the individual; ignoring the foundations and fundamentals of our culture, they prevent the integral development of the intellect, becoming fit to drive us tamely through their fallacious propaganda elements. As a result of this proceeding, our youth are paying a tax very high, more painful and hard that the most advanced Nations. A tax of loneliness and pessimism, that descorazona not only to those who support it and suffer, but to us that affectionately look in it, because tomorrow will be the call to guide us and protect us. Thought and words of Josep Pla, remain today throughout its term, and applying them to the situation current well we could say that you as result of the sectarian ambition of politicians, our youth has been studied less than what was required for its completion.
And as it is absolutely proven that you things they do not improvise, that the formation of the human being is the result of learning, dedication, encouragement and effort; There is no neglected geniuses, nor human miracles behind corners, now we are dealing with a cultural immaturity, whose cost we pay for generations. The most precious heritage that can hoard a village, is an educated youth. Otherwise will lead inevitably to the lack of resources against progress, situation that will cause as it is already proving the exodus of most preparations. All this will entail lack of jobs of work and consequently, indigence, misery and poverty that will put us at the mercy of the more developed countries. A situation that ensures and perpetuates the State of privilege of a political elite that will not lead to citizens, but It will be at his mercy a submissive flock of minions. This is 21st century slavery. And is that you as Sen. Robert Kennedy said: the future is not a gift, it is a conquest.