For the municipal law n 10, of 08-01-1900, is created the district of Jatob de Santa Brbara also annexed to the city of Boa Vista, being promoted to the city condition, for state n 991, of 01-07-1909. In referring administrative division to the year of 1911, the city is constituted of 3 districts: Good Sight, Carabas and Jatob de Santa Brbara. By the municipal law n 66, of 24-04-1917, was created the district of Mesh of the Real. attached to the city of Boa Vista. In the referring division to the year of 1933, the city is constituted of 4 districts: Boa Vista, Carabas, Jatob de Santa Brbara and Malha of the Real, being redefined again in of 1936 and 1937, being the consisting city of 4 districts: Boa Vista, Carabas, Jatob de Santa Brbara and Pontal former-Mesh of the Real.
The state Decree n 235, of 09-12-1938, determines the extinguishing of the district of Carabas and annexed to the district headquarters of the city of Boa Vista; the Real Threshed district of former-Pontal, also extinct, annexed to the district of former-Jatob Juta of Saint Brbara. The City had its denomination modified for the same law. The state Decree n 952, of 31-12-1943, starts to call the city of Boa Vista de Corips. In 1950 division, the city is constituted of 2 districts: Carips and Juta. state law n 1819, of 1953, modifies the name of Corips for Saint Maria of the Boa Vista. Another division of 1955 constitutes the City of 2 districts: Saint Maria of the Boa Vista (headquarters) and Juta, thus remaining until 1960 division.
A municipal law n 410, of 1963 creates the districts of Carabas, Lagoon Grande and attached Urimam and to the city of Saint Maria of the Boa Vista. In 1963, the city already is constituted of 5 districts: Saint Maria of the Boa Vista, Carabas, Juta, Lagoon Great is thus up to 1995. The state law n 11215, of 16-06-1995, desmembra of the city of Saint Maria of the Boa Vista the districts of Lagoon Grande and Juta to form the new city of Lagoon Grande.Em 1997, the city is constituted of 3 districts: Saint Maria of the Boa Vista, Carabas up to 2005. The people who are born in Saint Maria of the Boa Vista are called? Saint Maria Boavistenses.