Definition of notary in the essential dictionary of the Spanish language. Definitions provided and cited by Luis Alfredo CUBA OVALLE on the notary. Conclusion.
Sources of information. Internet.
Peruvian legislation. Foreign law. Congresses. Books. Dictionaries. There are various definitions of notary public, so will some, quote which provide the study of this legal professional. This topic has been little worked in global law, by which we can say that few people know it, but it is very well known by the notarialistas. Which are some of the specialists in notarial law. Since others are university professors who teach this course as it is by the way the notarial law which although it relates to the right registration, is also true that they are not the same. I.e. the notary and registry law have different field of study. NOTARIO PUBLICO or notary in this subtitle will study two terms such as the term notary and notary public, by which we must clarify that the doctrine prefers the first, by which we can say that the second is not used by the doctrine. However, we must clarify at this site that refer to the same meaning. Notary and notary in the Peruvian State speaks of notaries, but to them in the Argentina Republic are known as scribes. That is, they refer to the same thing, which should be taken into account above all in foreign law and comparative law studies. In order to find the legal institution in the law of other countries. Accordingly if you want to study the notary in Argentine law should be a search for the words notary public.