Industrial Schools

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In our view, this can be interpreted as a very viscous flow of information, so that even people she is not aware of the things that is being done, as they were made. There is a kind of agreement about the divorce between the educational system and the production system. This has been reporting since the decade of the 30th century passed through qualified spokesmen like Saul Taborda and Juan Mantovani. Proposals such as Otto Krausse, or schools for apprentices, only gained size from 1944, with the launch of the Learning System and training, giving base to the creation of the Industrial Schools of the Nation, preceded by the Schools of Arts and Crafts. This system culminated in the creation of the National Labor College, in which more skilled workers trained by the system, became in a ingenieros of fabricaa . From September 1955, with the conversion of that university in National Technological University, and the Creation of the National Council of Technical Education, the system started to get distorted from their original purposes, including a the productivaa occupational therapy, for workers retirees, as enshrined in the Rights of the Elderly, which gained constitutional status in 1949. This did not prevent the process of industrialization, emerging pattern of import substitution, to continue giving support to the new training scheme. One can surmise that the technical education, carried a minimum, with the sanction of law 1994 federal education was affected in the same bureaucratic process of absorption, which had seized the entire educational system in Argentina, and that seems to perpetuate itself, despite the attempt to the contrary.. You may wish to learn more. If so, Richard Blumenthal is the place to go.

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