It is possible to hipotetizar that this type of situaoassemelhe it ' ' vivido' ' , delineated for AMATUZZI (2001), queargumenta that this lived ahead mentions the immediate reaction to it of determinadofenmeno, that is, the form as the person feels its proper experinciasubjetiva primary. However, this lived always is presented folloied dealguma significao. Therefore, impossible its becomes practically acessodireto, that is, lacking of interpretation and understanding, to break express dasrepresentaes for the person. Soon in the sequence of this first relation, they will start to seconstituir the manifestations of attachment and bond. In the case of the man also if desta sensation of estranhamento or not recognition in the confrontation of witnesses, therefore, the bebimaginrio idealized for the father, the example of the mother, generally does not correspond aobeb real. It is common, in the masculine universe, this moment to search traosfisionmicos that assure (at least in its imaginary one) its participaoefetiva in the fecundao, therefore, exists all a cultural production to this respect.
Jokes that portray this doubt are common in the Brazilian anedotrio, expressing phrases of the type: ' ' he is son of padeiro' ' or ' ' to who essemenino it pulled with this hair? ' '. This moment can be basic to paraselar the future relations with the baby (DUCATTI, 2004). Still on this question of the confrontation of witnesses, DUCATTI (2004) it emphasizes: the first indicative of relevancy to the familiar group is, doubtlessly, the physical similarity translated by the recognition deparecena with some significant element, some biological trace as color of eyes, hair, size to the rising, rhythms as sleep, feeding, entreoutros. This physical similitude is the starting point so that to a sejaoferecida baby an accurate dimension to belong to the familiar group (p.49). DUCATTI (2004) salient that the love is a construction queenvolve, over all, cultural and religious values. Therefore, the love maternotambm would be part of this construction.