Week Of Modern Art

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The critical one of 1922 of the Week of Modern Art of 1922 Pablo Gilson Oak Jnior * In 1922 in days 13, 15 and 17 in the Municipal Theater of So Paulo happens ' ' The Week of Moderna&#039 Art; ' , one of the events most important for the national culture, causing the beginning of the expressive originalidade in the arts, of the press and the culture of Brazil; initially being born with the denomination So Paulo futurismo, given for Oswald de Andrade he was confused with the Italian futurismo, however, nothing had in common, therefore the native of So Paulo had as only meant ' trend for futuro' , differently of the Italian who already was a movement that was in full event in Italy; The Week of Modern Art was the moment of the party of presentation public of the movement that already had been born for 1917 return, with the exposition of Anita Malfatti and criticized by spectators, and alone if it consolidated after 1929 effectively, when some groups had started if to form and to spread out the thought of the week of 22. The press that much helped to proliferate its activities had served stops to affirm and to consolidate the objectives of the Week, that were to transform Brazil into an independent country in its creation and artistic production, beyond exempting it of European the social influence and the cultural inheritance; the week was divulged under three focos for the press, the first one said respect to a positivista thought, supporting its manifestations in sponsoring the nimbleness of Brazilian artistic independence in relation the European culture; second it was paradoxical to the first one, therefore the week for they sounded as a negative aspect and until infantile, this as thought of the press was directed for conservatives, according to Boaventura ' ' ignorants of the true text of movimento' ' to another vision was of the press impartial, but sufficiently controversial when attributing in its articles the registers of the degree of preconceptions, naivety and provincianismo that prevailed in So Paulo, this also showed the rearticulaes of groups that they had breached with the conservadorismo and they had adhered to the modernismo of the arts, and amongst almost the five years that if other articles for the thinkers of the movement, Oswald and Mrio de Andrade had followed until the Week of Modern Art had been made many, Menotti Del Picchia, Hlios and others, these journalistic spaces served of enclosure for bullfighting for the quarrels between the two sides, the ones that they pled for the newness and others for its negation; as a great opponent of the time Salty Pliny is distinguished, who said to want to think alone, but that he placed hour against the movement and hour the favor, if becoming later integralista; in 1917, Lobato Hunter makes first great the critical one to the exposition of Anita Malfatti, in the city of So Paulo, generating a great evil to be in the opinions of the population and sufficiently distorted of the work of the painter and the modernistas; the Week happened propositalmente in 1922, therefore they would use to advantage the chance to commemorate the first centenarian of Independence politics of the Country and creating at the same time one it dates for Brazilian artistic independence. . Ohio Senator has plenty of information regarding this issue.

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