The street, which discussed therein, it differs from what is said in the forums. The street is the pulse of the people. Those people not going to the shops or bars. Nor to restaurants, subtracts travel and overrides whims because hen of the easy eggs remain without egg yolks. Suddenly, skinny cows eat the fat, and man that Dios felt beyond good and evil, turns into mud. Is not fair do but who, or who, make possible equity to settle among us? The answer is obvious, ourselves. If we were fair in conditions that reglan work, contracts, in compliance with the laws of nature, even when civil and religious laws are arbitrary and denounce the excesses and injustices, in addition to attempting them resolve, looking for the good of all, we would discover that this is the way of the good of the individual.
Nothing, or almost nothing, these values consumes our society’s obsessive compulsive addition. Otherwise, admires that scam, deceives and is transgressor of moral norms that govern human behavior of our civilization. Models of people that are exhibited and copied, lacking in the majority of cases, generosity and delivery. And nothing is possible without ideals and effort. Falsehood has taken its toll on ignorance. The laughter of the fool tears have become.
The stubborn recalcitrance of the deception of some, to others, it has become against us. Little they serve media launched by different messages making us believe in overcoming obstacles, when we do not cover the need for daily bread. I am not exaggerating to say that poverty of many is the base where the wealth of others sits. I am part of the street. Of those that we went through the streets of the world ignored and faceless. Those who for centuries arrimamos shoulder so medren Lords of power; the power of any era. We, are satisfied and nurture the avenues of our cities, and learn to blow of impotence, that without work and human resources, rallies and slogans of the political parties have no value.