Serve In Large For Baduel And Neo Millenarian

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I think I have already many days with my cynical side disarrayed, so I tried to not write anything in this site. Somehow I felt that I would be impossible to prevent that cynicism and bad blood enturbiaran as written but it is that today already not I can remain so formal. Since I heard it yesterday do discourse? words are circling me from general Baduel and was already soft, if I have something to say to anyone who wants to read I want to start these words from my soul first thanking Almighty and Eternal God, for having given me the privilege of serving you in big from this position, still protected by his powerful hand to see Mr. general, please explain to us the Venezuelans what has been that great service provided to God Almighty and eternalin what it has been; who is that God doesn’t seem to have nothing to do with ours and why are so many millions of people who feel cheated and betrayed when you, from the privileged position that has enjoyed for so long, did absolutely nothing, but is that anything, even timidly, propose all the weight that this authority gave him, all these issues that in his shameful departure mentioned. Happens to me today by designs of the most high, to whose will welcome me meekly, and decision of superiority, the General in Chief Gustavo Rangel Briceno Ese high whom you appreciates and welcomes meekly; the same high that deposes you of his command, because it is already clogging with their spiritual concepts and professionalization of the FAN, has put in place who represents the diametrically opposite to what you, in good time, dares to suggest and who comes with much enthusiasm to finish once and for all any hint of institutionality that stay in the FAN and replace it without modesty and decency by onepopular militia under the direct command and the exclusive service of the most high that will show the world what most indigenous of the revolutionary project and the social political transit which you seem to have finally discovered yesterday.

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