Disclosure of the commission's conclusions on the EU causes and circumstances of the war in August 2008 greatly strengthened opposition to the opposition forces with a team of the President of Georgia. And while the authorities are trying in their own way interpret the report's painstaking work on which was conducted nine months, the main conclusion is final and conclusive: Georgia started the war. Nonetheless, Saakashvili thought it necessary to declare in Advocacy shares does not regret the incident and, if necessary, repeat the same thing. These PR events, arranged in order to live television, organized a ridiculously naive and primitive: an open-air in several rows are set conventional chairs, which sit on the appointed officials representing the "public" and the president to explain to them what should firmly grasp the whole country. However, this usual for the ruling team style – not the most surprising for viewers phenomenon. Main – misplaced confidence in their own right against the findings of European diplomats and experts.
Surprised the president of Georgia a few days ago and the correspondent BBC on-Sea, when he said that the storming of Tskhinvali has been acquitted, since the city was "well-fortified military camp," even with this storm and began an armed conflict with Russia. Such a statement is a clear contradiction with the conclusions of the commission, Heidi Tagliavini. In addition, the president of ignoring the report made it clear that he sees no need for an international investigation of the "possible crime," the commission of which Saakashvili the Georgian army could not completely eliminate.