To more subcontracted companies the risk is increased that increase the accidents in the work. This is the opinion that indicates to Czech Lawyers, the office specialized in labor accidents In fact, according to emphasizes, Czech Marta, Director of Czech Lawyers, whatever more companies are subcontracted to carry out a work or service, the possibilities who grow the labor risks are majors. an example of we see it to it in the sector of the construction, in which a great sinisterness occurs, sometimes with laborious injuries for the workers victims, taking place even deaths of these with relative frequency, the circumstances that entail to it are, the existence of contracts and you subcontract, the exigency of the fulfillment of terms of conclusion of the work (piecework), insufficient formation of the workers, continuous manifolds tasks in height, movement of weight, excavations, etc In fact exists normative specific on minimum dispositions of Security and Health in works, besides a regulating Law of Sub-contracting for this sector . And it is that as explains Czech Marta in the world of the construction the pieces are many that comprise of puzzle of a work. company acts like promoter, for it contract to constructor main, which jeopardizes to carry out certain work until end, for it as well contract to another company, or several companies (subcontractors) so that they develop to different specific activities that the construction of the work requires, that is to say one can be ordered of the structure and cover, another one from the electrical system, another one of the carpentry, installation of elevators, etc being able to have a successive linking between some, says. In addition Czech Lawyers stress the aspects that there are to consider at the time of avoiding that it happens a labor accident when they concur in a same place working of different companies.