Rio De Janeiro

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This because its objective ones always go to esbarrar in its process of accomplishment. Click Sen. Sherrod Brown to learn more. The accumulation of cultures is so advanced nowadays that any educative process it needs an institucional organization supports that it, in order to get an infrastructure to support and to keep the propagation of the education, as the production of professors, pertaining to school material, large-scale organization of resumes so that the transmission occurs knowing of them in mass. However, all this organization is atrelada to the activities of the State. But the Union is capable to collect resources enough to mount this great institucional apparatus. Moreover, the State always is atrelado to the one interests determined social classroom, dominates that it. the interest of the State in the Education is that this propagates the ideology that to interest this ruling class. The reality in Brazil forms professionals who are ready recriara social situation, as well as, those that are capable to contest and to criticize this institucional organization, with a basic paper in the educational politics, with the objective to extend the capacities new human beings and to reconstruct alternative, diversified, never equal and similar, therefore each people and nation must have autonomy to construct to its State and its Education.

In short, to argue the public politics demands much research to reach reasons that if approach to the truth and assist to explain the reason, although Brazil, to possess a net of social politics with as much social inaquality and a people with the most changeable necessities that the State, for proper itself, ‘ ‘ teria’ ‘ as obligation to take care of them. With this, it is of great urgency that has a true transformation in the educational scope, so that if it exerts a democratization of the quality of the education, which not only forms the professional to act in the market, but also, to form a reflective and operating citizen with conscience and social environment critical sense in its. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE SPIDER, Maria Lcia de Arruda. Philosophy of the education. So Paulo: Modern, 1989, ARROYO, Miguel Gonza’les. Investigations on resumes: educandos and educators: its rights and the resume. Brasilia: Ministry of the Education, Secretariat of Basic Education, 2008. BOURDIEU, Pierre.

The distinction: it criticizes social of the judgment. trads. Daniela Kern, Guillermo J.F. Teixeira. 1 ed. Imprenta So Paulo: Edusp: Zouk, 2007. BRANDO, Carlos Rodrigues. What it is education? So Paulo: Brasiliense, 1995. COUTINHO, Carlos Snows. Culture and society in Brazil: assays on ideas and forms. 3 ed. rev. extended e. Rio De Janeiro: DP& , 2005 BLACKSMITH, Nilda Teves. Citizenship: a question for the Education. Rio De Janeiro: New Border, 1993 LOMBARDI, Jose Claudinei; SANFELICE, Jose Luis (Orgs). Liberalism and education in debate. Campinas: Authors Associates; Histedbr, 2007 YOU MARK, Vera Regina Beltro. History of the education. Curitiba: IESDE Brasil s.a., 2008 MISES, Ludwing Von. Liberalism; according to classic tradition. Translation of Haydn Coutinho Pepper. Rio De Janeiro: Jose Olympio: Liberal institute, 1987 SAVIANI, Dermeval. School and Democracy: theories of the education, bending of the pole, eleven teses on education and politics. So Paulo: Cortez: Authors Associates, 1984. SOUZA, ngelo Ricardo of. Profile of the Pertaining to school Management in Brazil. Thesis of Doutorado in Education, Pontifical University Catholic of So Paulo, PUC/SP, Brazil. Year of Attainment: 2007 VALLE, Bertha de Borja Kings of (coord.); MILK, Ana Maria Alexander; ANDRADE, Eliane Ribeiro. et al.

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