Place Power

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Although small, the city has a significant population of 500 a thousand inhabitants. It stopped there, in full avenue, forbidden Place. Nobody stops in main Avenue. It stopped. Nobody wide the there alone car. It released. He left the automobile and one directed it me with firm steps.

I thought that he was lost, wanting some information. It asked to me if it could give the card to me of its lawyer. Exactly finding odd such order I said that yes. Later that it broke I I read: I read and I made what any person who, as I, possessing of a library with 1.000 books, would make: I tore the card and I played outside. Carrier of as many knowledge I always find people evanglicas one ' ' povinho of mind very estreita' ' , prejudiced.

He surprised to know me that they refused themselves to know and in fact they did not desire nor far to know on what is said regarding the magical arts. They are unaware of, for example, the power of the magnetized crystal, the power of the mind, the power of the pyramid. They do not want nor to hear to speak on the extraterrestrial beings, on mantras, kundaline, or chacras, saying to be these pertaining knowledge the demons. Quanta ignorance! I said for same me. I could not take that the serious one. Thus, I played that card it are, ignoring the importance of its message. ' ' God loved the world in such way that he gave its Unignito Son, so that all what In it believes, does not perish, but eterna&#039 has life; '. Joo 3:16 I wise person who the true God already was in my pursuit, not disclosing itself in my life. I had clamado for It and now It came in my aid, but I did not understand.

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