The Declaration was promulgated by the ONU – Organizations of United Nations, that it establishes, in its article 26, the right to gratuitous education for all. Read more here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. To argue the quality of the education is the intention of this seen work to be basic such reflection in view of necessary changes that they search to so demanded social quality. The focus of the research if points out in the right of the child to an education of quality, having as subject ' ' the right to learn direito' ' , as foreseen subjective public law in the federal constitution of 1988: Chapter III – Section I – Art. 205 – The education, right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work. The quarrel on the process of construction of a igualitria, democratic society and joust, in the measure where it conceives the inalienable education as right of all the human beings, having, therefore, to be offered to all and any person. The reflections on the historicidade of human rights, as this right had the envolvement of all the countries and also analyzes the right of the education as subjective public law proclaimed by the Federal Constitution of 1988. All have guaranteed for law, the right of an education of quality, but in the reality this right is not being effectively enjoyed for all.
To search ways for an education of quality for all is a challenge for the educational managers since century. To analyze the participation of the democratic management in the responsibility of the right of the child in learning right. The relation of the family with the school and also of the school with the society, at last all with the purpose to search an education of quality as right of all.