The posterior step was to the professionalization of the women, aiming at to the autonomy and the emancipation of the same ones. In 1986 the group Woman Wonder started to also work publishes with it infanto-youthful that today it occupies great space in some fields and performance of the organization. The work with this type of public was given in reason of great concern with the increase of the violence in all faces, with the misery, the social exclusion, the infanto-youthful marginalizao and the negation of the human rights. The mentioned text below corroborates for citations below with relation the people in the space formation and paper for developed them. The use of the space for those transforming agents will give to origin the feelings of space and territorial belonging and connection with the place long ago natural space.
Therefore: The formation of a territory of to the people who in it inhabit the conscience of its participation, provoking the direction of the territoriality that, of subjective form, creates a conscience of confraternizao between them. (ANDRADE, 1995, P. 20). One knows that the territorial production if makes with human being giving ticket of the natural space for the cultural space what it allows in turn its territorial base lived deeply by each individual what is demonstrated by its constructions. From now on, partner-cultural and esportivas activities had been introduced through pedagogical workshops, of popular dances, capoeira, theater, percussiva music, and I sing. The requirements of the globalization had also taken the group if to worry about the professional inclusion of the young, mainly computer science. The group Woman Wonder has great insertion in the popular movement, in the fights for public politics, actively participates of fruns of social control and promotion of the human rights. Another question taken the serious one since early was to the question preventive health, for in such a way the group it participated actively of campaign preventive health it carried through courses of health agent, and comes developing has certain time, a strong work of prevention of IST HIV AIDS with the support of the ministry of justice and the prevention the drugs I publish next to it infanto-youthful, with project approved for the National Confederation of the Bishops of Brazil CNBB? Brazilian CARITAS? Deep of Solidarity.