Convergence for Social democracy has denounced the numerous violations of human rights in Equatorial Guinea, despite the enormous efforts the regime that governs by clean up its international image in this matter. He has also lamented that the population continues to live in a State of extreme poverty despite the immense wealth generated by oil. Solidaridad.Net complains of a political class corrupt and monopolized by family and close to Obiang to SAP the resources of the country. His son Gabriel Obiang is Minister of hydrocarbons. Meanwhile, his eldest son Teodoro, known as Teodorin among his classmates orgies in the most expensive hotels of Paris, is Minister of forests. Office who does not hesitate to make compatible with the possession and management of timber companies, radio stations, television channels, airlines and even a record label based in United States.
Now a delegation Spanish composed of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Senator Manuel Fraga, a member of the PSOE, and a Senator of the same party, a Senator of CiU, a Senator of the PNV, a select representation of Spanish businessmen, travel to Equatorial Guinea to pay homage to the dictator and its oil. Only United Left has refused to travel to that country in this legation. The leader of the opposition in exile, Severo Moto has shown that these meetings do not serve to help nor to meet the Guinean people, but to give oxygen to the dictatorship of Obiang at a particularly critical time of the tyrant. The question is: do so low is the price of our dignity than for oil or not is possible business us humillamos before criminals? We have so little honour? Then go from here a voice that says that not all Spaniards are thus, not all serve to neoliberalism, that there are still people in this country with shame and decency, we condemn the murderers and the oppressors and that, allow me, distorting a paraphrase of Felipe II could say that we prefer honor without petroleum that oil without honor. Government of Spain, Minister Moratinos, Senator Fraga and ad lateres, once again have gotten leg. Once they do you embarrass me you, that not to be Spanish, because Spain suffers them and supports them like me, but not he sympathizes with you, nor adheres to its brutalities. That anyone thinks that the citizens of many Nations, including Spain, are corrupt, unclean and immoral, that’s it their politicians, their employers without entrails caterva, the vast majority have ethics, decency and honesty. Jesus Gil Benitez original Autor and source of the article.