Geocentros Project

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In addition, teachers were informed of some of the common shares of the cooperation project put already underway, as the drawing competition for primary education, the contest of photography for secondary education, or the exchange of school provided between the different regions of the basin of Guadiana. Then he spoke of the educational project of Geocentros, one of the strong points that most have been taken into account in the evaluation of UNESCO to grant us the figure of Geoparque Villuercas Jara Ibores. Jose Maria Corrales, director of the educational and Scientific Committee, made a journey since the beginning of the project, showing the main details and potentialities that have resulted in the success of the same. The created network of Geocentros opted for education as a hallmark of the Geopark of Villuercas Jara Ibores. An education project in which cooperated with the University of Extremadura, Ministry of education and culture, provincial Council of Caceres, Geocentros network (regional educational centres), territorial organizations such as APRODERVI (responsible for coordination in the territory), and other entities.

The Geocentros activities have been in to learn about environment, rocks, minerals, fossils, geology, heritage archaeological, ecological and cultural history. Learning was endorsed by the Department of Didactics of the experimental science of the University of Extremadura. In addition to school children, also have been conducted actions with plans of literacy and lifelong learning for adults. Another fundamental field has been the creation of forums such as working with teachers and groups, in order to generate new materials in order to contrast them and evaluate them. Therefore, the project has placed the geopark as an educational scenario in which managers and researchers, educators and social agents, have worked together and orderly manner with aim to ensure sustainable development in the future. Finally, we collected needs demanded by the teachers of schools of the region.

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