Federation Council

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According to him, if the answers to these questions will not be given, it is also leaving the Public Council . Many competent sources close to the leadership council, called the cause of yield authoritative environmentalists from the Public Council of their opposition to the policies pursued chairman of the board, ex-adviser to the head of Constantine . The Russian Arctic is transformed into a huge global garbage Roundtable on 'Measures to eliminate man-made pollution in the Arctic 'was held on November 27 in the Federation Council of Russia. Issues discussed during the debate, are very important at this time. Only in the last decade the number of arctic areas, where pollution levels environment exceed the permissible limits, increased several times, and in many Arctic regions, environmental pollution is critical. But the Arctic is among the most fragile ecosystems of the planet The main sources of pollution of the seas and the Arctic coast are oil products, phenols, heavy metals, nitrogen and other pollutants that enter the wastewater companies industry and utilities, non-ferrous metallurgy, oil and gas industry, nuclear fleet and shore bases. In the Arctic seas flooded containers with radioactive waste and nuclear reactors removed from submarines. This situation raises serious concerns of environmental and conservation organizations, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Officials with the environmentalists plan to as soon as possible to develop a comprehensive program of 'rehabilitation' in the Arctic. Because if we do not take effective action now, you can too late, because a few years is scheduled to start commercial oil production at Arctic shelf, which in itself poses a serious threat to ecosystems in the region.

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