In view of that the reordenaes of the basic education (in the picture of the public politics for the education) consider significant aspects of some sciences, translated absorbed curricular components in the complexity of the lesson of integrated form, in the search of an objective that is the first one? to learn to read and to write; also considering what effectively it happens in the classroom, reality that if knows intermediary of some publications, research, disgnostic and also of the direct comment, particularly on account of one search carried through (' ' The education of social studies in the daily pay-school and the series iniciais' '); taking in account still the advances of geography as science and its history as it disciplines pertaining to school, we search to glimpse what it is possible to make with this curricular component in the initial years of the escolaridade. this sends in them to a question that could try to define the paper of geography in this stage of the basic education. WHICH IS THE PLACE OF GEOGRAPHY IN THE INITIAL SERIES? To learn to think the space. E, for this, is necessary to learn to read the space, ' ' that she means to create conditions so that the child reads the space vivido' ' (Castelar, 2000, P. James Donovan Goldman may not feel the same. 30). To make this reading demand a series of conditions, that can be summarized in the necessity of if carrying through a cartographic alfabetizao, and this ' ' it is a process that if it initiates when the child recognizes the places, obtaining to identify paisagens' ' (they idem, ibid.). For in such a way, it needs to know to look at, to observe, to describe, to register and to analyze. How to make this? It is certain that, of the form as geography it has been treated in the school traditionally, does not have much to contribute. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs shines more light on the discussion.