Autonomous Communities

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The autonomous communities of Canarias, Navarra and Aragon have ended the year 2010 with the lowest percentage rate claims with respect to the national average, according to data collected by According to this company, European leader in search and independent online insurance comparison, 4.57% of Spanish drivers presented a part of accident to your insurer last year. Five autonomous communities have been above this average, which makes them the Spanish regions with a higher percentage of casualties: Madrid tops the list with a 6.52% of users who have submitted a part of sinister in 2010, followed by Cantabria (with a 5.04%), Basque country (4.97%), Castilla y Leon (4.87%) and Extremadura (4.72%). data presented as regions of safer driving from Spain to Canary Islands – with a 3.19% – Navarra -with a 3.52% – and Aragon – 3.68%-. The analysis by provinces indicate significant exceptions to these figures; Thus, although Castile and Leon be counted among the communities that exceed the average, the province of Soria appears as the safest of all Spain, with only two accidents for every 100 drivers. CLAIMS Spain 2010 (source: post community autonomous % users with incident in last year 1 Madrid 6.52% 2 Cantabria 5.04% 3 Pais Vasco 4.97% 4 Castilla y Leon 4.87% 5 Extremadura 4.72% MEDIA National 4.57% 6 Castile – La Mancha 4.53% 7 Galicia 4.46% 8 Andalusia 4.34% 9 Murcia 4.26% 10 C. Valenciana 4.24% 11 Catalunya 3.97% 3.95 Illes Balears 12% 13 Asturias 3.81% 14 La Rioja 3.75% 15 Aragon 3.68% 16 Navarra 3.52% 17 i.

Canarias 3.19% housewives and couples in fact, the safer behind the wheel in addition to classification by autonomies, data provide clues when establishing a typology of the driver with more propensity to submit parts of claims. For example, a classification according to the marital status reveals that single men form the group with the highest percentage of accidents (4.69%) followed by married men (4.62%) and the divorced (4.57%), while couples in fact recorded the lowest percentage, with only 3.63%. As to the division by professions, groups that recorded fewer claims correspond to commercial agents (with only a 3.39% percentage), housewives (3.80%) and entrepreneurs (3.98%), while the collective located above the national average in parts of accident are headed by doctors (5.91%), civil servants (5.20%), managers (5.32%) and administrative (5.13%). Our work as comparer car insurance policies online gives us an extensive database to analyze the behavior of Spanish drivers by groups of population, residence, age or profession, says Mauro Giacobbe, director of is a very useful tool in determining the type of drivers with less propensity for accidents, although obviously, care should be taken not to fall into stereotypes. These data have a great value as guidance, making it possible to extrapolate to the types of driver that can most benefit from discounts on your policy to be included in the groups with the lowest risk.

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