Tag Archives: the present time
Healthy Food |
To eat healthy is very important, for that reason we would have, at least once to the week, to enjoy a vegetable plate/vegetables. We are going to explain like making a plate and simultaneously very nutritious, stuffed eggplants with rice … Continue reading
The Codes |
Another disadvantage of the Codes is that to modify them or to replace them it is necessary to overcome the resistance to the groups of intellectuals and groups of power that resist to the changes. Although it is certain in … Continue reading
Hamurabi Code |
SUMMARY: I. INDOCTRINATES. – II. CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE CODES. – III. CONCLUSIONS. – I.DOCTRINA 1. INTRODUCTION In the present work diverse subjects of the codification are developed that are the following: majorities, amplitude of the codification, boundary of the subject, … Continue reading
Department Security |
The residential homes or houses are not unique the prone ones to the robberies. The departments and condominiums are also a target for the criminals. Nowadays there is much people who lives in departments and condominiums instead of residential houses. … Continue reading