Environmental Issues

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The environment is composed of several elements none of greater importance over another, they all provide something to the subsistence of life, man has always been a master of all that surrounds us has done with what we wanted and has even managed at your convenience. Since the beginning of mankind has lived in contact with nature, however many years before this coexistence was one of complete harmony, was a two way process, the man took care of the environment and this provides you enough to survive, the human being was nothing more than another element of nature was part of it and not the owner of estAhora things are different, every day we hear about the major environmental problem, the little that we do away with those resources we have provided both But the problem is not only dirty water, polluted air, excessive trash is beyond the problem is deeper than we want to believe, the problem will not end just because we stop producing trash or contaminate water, situation is more serious than it seems and perhaps easier to resolve than many believe: however we have learned to live with this, in fact ourselves and we are part of the problem and do nothing about it, precisely because our attitudes are not adequate. Read additional details here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Now the problem is that the man was believed both human power and believes that everything can be fixed and needs nothing more, Today our problem is that we as a country is being handled properly three main factors for the solution of problem is the affective and cognitive-behavioral, which if properly applied could pay big dividends for the pro-environmental behavior change in our country, it is true that has been working more with this problem, in fact saturated with information, educational revolution also requires that students know more about environmental issues, but little is being done, the cognitive factor but probably is just doing what needs to be seen is how effective is being, being human is programmed to receive multiple stimuli at once, however, has the ability to discriminate those who did not prove of interest, and that is precisely what is happening with our society, we have learned to live with this problem and in fact and is not given the attention it deserves, it is obvious that you can not reach a positive behavior if attitudes are not positive. . To know more about this subject visit Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs.

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