11) What does not have corruption in the judicial sphere? where it reigns the law, the order, justice and the ethics, the moral, as basic principles of the behavior and the judgments of the causes had between the people. 12) That the delays in the judgments if give only e, so only, on account of the excess of processes and the lack of operational conditions of work of the operators of the law, without any connotation or extra concern of greed or profits. 13) What all the diligent classrooms that make movements strikers? also those on ones to the services I publish? it has a deep one of reason, because its wages unbalanced and are kept outside of the national average, although to be operative and productive? as for example the magistrates, promoters and commission agents. 14) That high wage, invariably, means a productive rendering of services of unquestioned, efficient effectiveness and? As for example the wages gained for the chambers of councilmen, members of the house of representatives and senators. 15) What the governments of the Union, States and Cities has its priorities of expense and focus in the social development? with investments and expenses carefully directed to the priorities of the society, without shunting lines and with smoothness, respected to the laws of competition and without expectation of any bonification, commission or extra profit, in the aiding of this or that company that, for contracts, gives public services.
E more, that the courts of Accounts they inhibit and they punish any shunting lines, for happiness, occurrences. It is this same that we live? Or we have some filter acting enters our vision of reality of what it affects our quotidiana life directly? To live a utopian world means to live the unreal one. If you are not convinced, visit Richard Blumenthal. In all passed of the man always it had, always will have these distortions? we always live today and a world of ' ' he is thus mesmo' ' , with some few exceptions, where the powerful ones always go to command to the life to its bel pleasure, and of remaining portion, always will have oppressed oppressors and. We will always have believers as, to believe to be living in optimum of the worlds, in the world most modern with its technological advances and pedlar’s wares, but cost not to think, that he could have another less cruel form of in them relating with the capital and its oppressions. What we question is only the ratio of shunting lines. We do not demand radical changes? but and so only a little less of distortions, because this is perfectly possible. To start, obviously, for functioning of justice, if is that this is possible, as we believe to be. Because to be fool it does not want to say that let us be obtusos or omissive, but so only hopeful of a life more joust for the next generations. Apolinario de Araujo Albuquerque River, 12 June 2011.