Thought Andrey Kovalev

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"The day is full of life" or the cure for failures Looking mono Andrei Kovalev, their own troubles do not want to forget. Above them feel like laughing. How often have we heard the phrase: "Life got stuck …" Oh, this life! How he spoils us blood, "love boat" on his broken one after the other … We all want to escape from their everyday problems and responsibilities. "The machine" get up every morning under the hated alarm clock, go to work, shop for groceries, cook dinner, wash the dishes.

And all these simple "operations" in general and then for the case do not believe. Thus, the boring stuff, who want to devote less time. But if we think carefully, this everyday life is our life. This simple truth has long haunted Kaliningrad TV presenter and actor Andrei Kovalev. Even in his humorous program "Focus of Life", which appeared on TV "Kaliningrad", he showed the audience a different perspective on life – good-natured, ironic. The themes of the program became the family leave travel, harvests in the country, shopping …

And it turned really funny. Because the heroes These comic sketches, each somehow found out and laughed at himself as a favorite, recalling the similar situation. "Why not give this fertile theme continued on the stage?" – Thought Andrey Kovalev. Thus was born solo performance "The day is full of life." The text of the play was written by Kovalev, and staging – the director and head of the "National Literary Theatre" Albert Mikhailov. From the decorations on the stage of the minimum household "Gentleman's set": a table, sofa and TV. More specifically, the TV it seems at first glance from the 13th row, but really – just a frame. Hero Andrew Kovalev looks pretty rumpled. He has now obviously not the most good day, which he shares with the audience. In the morning everything went wrong: overslept, was late for work, they shouted the chief, had to write an explanation, and here in the corridor and met a colleague, who has 700 rubles … On the transfer of failures found myself on the fact that I was starting to chuckle, softly at first, "the fist", and then louder and louder, with rather big room House of Art, which by the way, there is no free space. Laugh all because at least once every experienced this. Then comes the turn of the recollections of the days of successful and laughter again. "That's a good day I can remember snatches – says the scene Andrew. – And the bad from beginning to end, every little thing to spoil the mood "Above all, laughing, we, perhaps, learn to think differently about such unpleasant from beginning to end today. After all, in fact, is "a few days full of life," said Kovalev us. Problems, setbacks, failures and falling need to "prosmeyat." And once it becomes something easier. Therefore, and Andrei Kovalev in the image of a loser laugh us off the stage – so that more lives were in our day.

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