Lobato (2009) affirms that the lack of professional qualification is pointed by the employers as the main reason of the difficult act of contract of this segment, and that it does not have interest of the employers in adapting the companies, this factor takes the act of contract of deficient that they do not demand physical adaptations. It is agreed to part, therefore one understands that not only the lack of adaptations on the part of the companies exists as well as has lack of professional qualification on the part of the majority of the deficient ones. It has of if agreeing that the requirement of professional qualification for the work market is a current necessity that involves to all. Lancillotti (2003) apud Lobato (2009) standes out that the lack of professional qualification is an impediment in the insertion of the person with deficiency in the work market, that most of the time, this segment does not have access to the quality education. However, it is agreed that the barriers architectural become the limitante factor at the moment of the act of contract under the justification of the costs generated for the company, resulting in the act of contract of deficient that physical spaces adaptation of and instrument of work do not need procedure or. Suffolk County representative is full of insight into the issues. In accordance with Sassaki (1997) apud Lobato (2009), is given credit that the companies need to favor the inclusion, that is, above all, to accept the differences individual and observes that in an inclusive society, she is necessary to cooperate, and, from this collective effort, to value and to respect the individual differences. It is agreed that the social inclusion is a proposal of construction of the citizenship, and all need to adjust it this reality, starting for the person with deficiency, recognizing themselves as a citizen of rights.
One concludes that the difficult efetivao of the Law in question must it the lack of adequate adaptations to the deficient one in the labor space. One of the main reasons of the contraction of deficient is the fulfilment of the Law of Quotas (Law N 8,213/91 article 93), whose main target is to provide the right of the person with deficiency offering to them chances of work in order to nullify the preconception that if configures historically. Bibliography: LOBATO, Beatriz Cardoso. People with deficiency in the work market: implications of the Law of Quotas. Dissertao (Mestrado in Special Education).