Overhaul Eyewitness

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In 2007, Russia launched federal program overhaul, undertaken with the support of Foundation for Housing Reform "and in accordance with the Law 185-FZ. Its mission – to help homeowners in carrying out overhaul of apartment buildings. Indeed, at the start of the privatization program, most municipalities have been payable thereon before the townspeople. Today, Russians make their own determine their need for repairs and pay for only 5% of its value. The remaining money is allocated fund. The state expects so solved, and another challenge: increasing energy efficiency of old housing stock through application of advanced energy saving technologies and materials. How effective is the proposed government program, as is its implementation, what has been achieved so far? Best answer these questions themselves owners.

First, note that the tenants – This converts the appearance of buildings and improve safety and comfort of staying in them. "Our house did not know – says resident House number 2 Lenin Street in the city Ishimbaj (Bashkortostan). – The once-dirty basement is now dry and clean, the elevators have changed, and residents are no longer afraid to get stuck in them, and in doorways installed energy-saving lamps and motion sensors. All this became possible thanks to complex reconstruction, including repairs to the roof, basement and facade, the replacement of communications and the installation of new elevators. Residents of flats is unlikely to be able to do it all on their own: the repair cost of 40 million rubles, 34.2 million of which identified "Assistance Fund for Housing Reform." Ended overhaul and homes along the street Relight city (Moscow region).

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