National Curricular Parameters

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To reach a globalizante analysis on the problems located in the interface for the interrelation man-nature &amp is counted on interdisciplinaridade (ZANONI; RAYNAUT, 1994). According to National Curricular Parameters (BRAZIL, 1998), to manage the problematic one of the garbage are necessary a combination of methods, that go of the reduction, of the rejeitos, during the production until the solutions destination techniques, with the recycling, the compostagem, the use of deposits and the incinerators. The selective collection is a methodology that objective to minimize the wastefulness of substance cousin and the recycling the form most rational to manage the urban solid residues, was implanted this project in the pertaining to school institution, with the purpose to verify the possible conceptual, procedural and atitudinais changes. According to CALDERONI (1996), the recycling, in its essence, is a way to educate and to fortify in the people the affective bond with the environment, being despertando the feeling of each one to modify the way where they live. By being garbage one of the biggest problems that affect the environment a project in the E.E.F.M was developed. Jose Waldemar de Alcntara and Silva, in the city of Salitre – CE, through activities of ambient education for the pupils of this institution, as well as, activities directed to the inhabitants of the quarter where the school is inserted. Of this form, one searched to improve the handling of the pertaining to school residues and domiciliary, to clarify the educandos and inhabitants, on the problems generated for the garbage that does not receive treatment and correct preservation, the possible consequences to the environment and public health e, mainly, to provoke changes adjusted for the improvement of the quality of life of the population, as well as, to diminish the decurrent negative ambient impacts of the garbage generation. 2. OBJECTIVES 2.1. Generality To show to the estudantil community the importance of one Politics of Ambient Education in the E.E.F.M Jose Waldemar de Alcntara and Silva, in the city of Salitre CE.

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