The teaching concern must be how much to the formation of the citizenship, making possible to the pupils the overcoming of the individuality. Professors must, from the pedagogical works, together to reflect with its pupils the questioning of the gift and its positioning in the world. (I LAND ON WATER, RODRIGUES, 2009). Ahead of this presented picture, we can affirm that in this interlacement the contents of History as added educative party to suit to ‘ ‘ prxis’ ‘ professor can contribute for an improvement in the social conditions of the pupils of the EJA in the society where they are inserted. You may want to visit Paulo Coelho to increase your knowledge. Bibliographical references: I LAND ON WATER, Hudson Siqueira. RODRIGUES, Isabel Cristina.
The paper of the professional of History in the formation of the citizenship. In: Annals of 4 International Congress of History, Maring, 2009 (COMPACT DISC)..