Historical Center

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After all, its abrangncia nowadays, is very significant, going very beyond the recreation and of the equipment of leisure. However, in So Lus the entertainment tourism still meets sufficiently ' ' amador' ' , a time that on people to the activity tourist, either of form direct or indirect, had still not given account for its importance, contributing for this lack of activities of leisure and entertainment. Therefore, that ahead of that it was told, he is well-known, that the city of Is Jose of Ribamar is attractive a tourist one of utmost relevance for the tourism of So Lus, beyond a great booster of the sector of entertainment of the related city, has seen that it makes use of many elements that are preponderant for the industry of the entertainment. Valley to still point out, that even so They are Jose de Ribamar is one of the four cities that compose the zone metropolitan of So Lus, thus having, its proper economy, politics and administration, the creation of a partnership being able between them public and private of both is basic to make solid the tourism of the maranhense capital and consequently of the proper balneal city of They are Jose. This, together, with a work carried through with all trade tourist, aiming at to extend still more offers tourist of So Lus and satisfying its visitors, who most of the time do not pass more than two days in the capital. The travel agencies and the hotels also could participate of this project, placing in its page in Internet one link of city, showing so great is the beauty of this place and as the maranhense capital is rich natural and culturally speaking. Still in relation to this partnership with trade tourist it would be interest to develop integrated scripts that dinamizassem the local tourist scripts, that if find each time more restricted to the Historical Center of So Lus, as already he was so salient throughout this article. .

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