When our oldest daughter graduated from high school, one of her desires was to be educated to be an entrepreneur. After studying countless curricula of several houses of studies in Chile, came to the conclusion that it would not be an easy task finding it. The vast majority of universities and higher education establishments that offer courses such as business administration or economics final aim to prepare students to be inserted in the workplace as employees and as entrepreneurs. My daughter, who made his home school and is used to design their education independently, obtained a position as a leading apprentice “Trader” activities in the U.S. stock market because it was an area that interested him greatly. After this experience we had to ask the following question: yes really necessary for an entrepreneur to go to college? While most of the studies and statistics clearly show that people with a higher education earn more money, there are a number of successful entrepreneurs who have shown otherwise.
In studying the lives of great entrepreneurs in history, one is surprised that, apart from being very successful men have another characteristic in common: none of them has a college degree and many of them not even finished school. Here are just some of the best known examples: Andrew Carnegie, entrepreneur and philanthropist, never finished school. Benjamin Franklin, inventor, scientist, author and entrepreneur. Educated at home. Charles Culpeper, owner and CEO of Coca Cola. He did not finish school.