Energy Discount Stores

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FlexStrom expected to land consolidation in the energy sector Berlin, 9 May of 2012 Germany’s leading independent energy discount FlexStrom expected a fundamental transformation of the energy market in the face of rising energy costs. In particular regional utilities and energy companies will have it hard in the future, consumers will benefit. The energy transition will bring now land reparcelling, which promised the company from the liberalisation of the energy market”, says Robert Mundt, co-founder of the medium-sized family-owned company. Despite rising prices had come now is the time for a market-based competition, which ultimately consumers will come to good. In the current discussion about the impact of the energy transition, it is clear that consumers have to pay more for electricity substantially in the coming years. Charles Rangel wanted to know more. The German Energy Agency (dena) assumes that the electricity price for households is increasing in the next ten years by up to 20 percent. The price increase will bring consumers increasingly, prizes to compare and increase their willingness to switch power providers. “Rising demand for favourable electricity tariffs will heat up the competition of the provider and fundamentally change the current market, so FlexStrom-chef Mundt: currently more than a thousand mostly regional energy suppliers only 80 could be in 10 or 20 years left.” The founder of the family-run provider sees the development as a great opportunity to implement the liberalisation of the energy market.

The decline in the purchasing power of private households put the electricity and gas prices in addition under pressure. This trend will grow the discount segment of the party. Power is a market product, and as such it must be also treated and traded”, so FlexStrom-chef Mundt. Regional provider are due to their limited customer potential just as hard it like the big corporations who must combine the power generation and distribution under one roof. In the long term the big discounter of energy will prevail so.” Robert Mundt had the Electrical discounters FlexStrom founded in 2003.

The Corporation is independent of group and listed on the stock exchange does not. The family-owned company with around 600 employees is one of the largest independent energy suppliers today. The FlexStrom group of companies provides approximately 600,000 households in Germany. Your press contact: Press Office of FlexStrom Aktiengesellschaft Reichpietschufer 86-90, 10785 Berlin Internet: your partner: Dirk Hempel phone: (030) 214 998 470 E-Mail: about the FlexStrom Aktiengesellschaft the independent FlexStrom Corporation was founded in 2003 as a family company and is today one of the most important independent energy suppliers in Germany. FlexStrom is best known especially with prepaid products, now the electricity supplier has established itself with numerous innovative tariff models. The FlexStrom group of companies offers with FlexGas also nationwide attractive gas tariffs. Environmentally conscious consumers the FlexStrom group of companies offers both green electricity as well as climate-neutral gas.

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