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Winter – a difficult time for both cars and for their owners. In large cities, where the roads sprinkled with icing agents, car body not only to quickly become soiled, but also actively corroded, as if this may have fought automakers. Corrosion – a serious, but not the only enemy of the body. It affects only weakly zashishennye surface, whereas the layer of varnish and paint suffers from quite other factors. Don and Ellas opinions are not widely known. Let us clean! Traditionally, the winter heating up debate on the theme carwashes: whether in the freezing cold to wash the car – because hot water is in contact with cooling of the body almost instantly raises its temperature, which can lead to the formation of microcracks and the turbidity of varnish.

Not further ado, we decided to ask the same question to the companies – manufacturers of painting materials. We are comforted: water on the "right" car washes barely warm – why waste precious energy on heating? Of course, ideally with a significant "minus" in front of the car wash must stand for 10 minutes, but under current conditions it is unreal. In moderate cold (-10 'C) washing the body does not do more harm for more severe cold on roads are usually not so dirty, so you can endure before the thaw. Incorrigible chistyulyam should not forget about the unpleasant consequences of one Yeshe visited a car wash in winter. No matter how carefully rubbing the body, nor blew it compressed air, the moisture in it still remains.

Once in the cracks of varnish or paint, it freezes, thus expanding and increasing the defect. So you should not abuse the sinks. But go for months at a dirty car – not a solution either. Trip reagents is very aggressive to the metal, so carry on his coat a chemistry so as to reduce the life of the body. Layer of lacquer is seriously affected and in cars whose owners are too addicted cleaning the body from the snow. Further details can be found at Central Romana, an internet resource. Previously, the main reason "for-tertosti" (ie, loss of light) was considered the contact details of cleaning, but now one of the first places went to the lattice of snow. Their shetina sometimes so tight that elementary scratch coat of lacquer. Overzealous motorists trying to remove from the body surface is not only snow, but frost and using a plastic scraper. In this case, will come later, Xia face not only scuffed, but with good visible scratches. Bad advice last winter on television repeatedly aired a commercial in which the owner of the suv could not open the car key, but not confused – boiled the kettle, poured on the castle and boiling water. happy and left. Surprisingly, some advertising Dummies perceived as a recommendation against the frozen locks. Needless to say, that in this situation, boiling water (or just hot water) not only failed to deliver, but also lead to irreparable consequences for refinishing. Much easier and safer to use a special chemistry, or at least an alcohol (including "non-freezing-ku). Finally, do not forget about prevention. To a large extent prevent the outer surface of the body against aggressive agents can polish protective compounds (preferably a professional, made in the technical center). In the winter time and it gives additional effect: the mud and snow are kept on a slippery surface is much worse, therefore, the car stays clean longer, and after a snowfall is enough pairs to remove brush strokes formed "drifts"

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