Geraldo Barboza de Carvalho Jesus is the truth. Not it philosophical, scientific, conceptual truth abstracted of the sensorial experience: vision, hearing, olfato, palate, tato. Jesus is the full truth, the wisdom of God: ‘ ‘ in it corporally the fullness of the Divindade’ inhabits all; ‘ (1). The conceptual truth is point of view on the total reality. But, all point of view is seen of a point, a partial approach of all. For this, although the undeniable validity of science human being, not sacia it our headquarters to know, therefore in them leaves hostages of the ignorance on the things that the abstraction disdains. Jesus is the full truth, because it is the origin of all the things: everything of it proceeds and it will come back.
‘ ‘ You will know the truth and he will free you to the truth. If to free you to the Son, you will be really livres’ ‘ (2). The truth is Jesus, us does not know it for abstraction, but partilhando it and living it for the faith. ‘ ‘ To all they will know me, small, great, because to all I will pardon pecados’ ‘ (3). The experience of the pardon makes in them to know the essence of who pardons: mercy, incognoscvel for comment and abstraction. The mercy of God was disclosed by the humanado Son. ‘ ‘ Somebody never saw God.
The only Son, who lives in the privacy of the Father gave, it to know. I and the Father are one: he sees who, sees me the Pai’ ‘ (4). The form as Jesus treats in discloses them the way as the Father looks in them and he loves in them. The lived experience of God is the full truth, that God Mother will make in them to know for the faith, the free adhesion the Person of Jesus and to the Word of the Father who it discloses in them.