of power. Without a doubt, this element has provided space to the strengthening of other social actors, such as Civil society, such as we recorded it in the series of articles Civil society and road safety. Even it is the case that political parties ask Civil society claim certain demands, such as day with the topic of the law of parties is happening today in the Dominican Republic. The lack of a project of nation would be the common feature of the majority of political parties, theory which holds the Dr. Fernandez, which says, that they only focus on the struggle for power. More than thirty parties constitute the Dominican political system that are regulated by the Central Electoral Board, which been confined to solely be an electoral machinery forgetting of promoting an ideology.
Very few are those who produce a government program during the proselytizing. Presented to the public for their considerations. The idea our is that when created consciousness in the most high levels of party structures, conceived the theme of road safety within their programs. Mario Holguin / President FundReD Rep.